Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Budget Announcements...

Last week's budget announcements have provided even more disappointment for those of us in the Education Sector.

One of our local Lower Hutt principals has worked out the maths at a national level and found that  "The increase in student teacher ratios saves $173.930m over 4 years and 'savings will be re-invested in initiatives to improve the quality of teaching'.  Interestingly, only $59.807m of this makes its way to "Improving the quality of teaching" (ie: actually doing this) and this is only a contingency, as they have not given any indication as to how they will actually do that!   I'm not sure what they're doing with the other $115m?!" 

The revelation that the reduction in Year 7/8 staffing ratios INCLUDES specialist teachers, will also mean a significant impact for senior students here at Maungaraki.   I have spoken to Mike Gillatt (principal at Hutt Intermediate) the impact on them is signifcant, meaning that we will either have to hand over some of our staffing (increasing class sizes here at Maungaraki) to continue to receive the technology service or (in a worst case scenario) the service would have to be cut.  
Specialist/Technology classes at Year 7/8 have long been a feature of the New Zealand education system that we all value.  We will continue to work closely with Hutt Intermediate to look for solutions to this problem.

Yesterday's NZ Herald suggests that the Govt is rethinking it's approach to staffing Year 7/8 students, with a working party being set up to look into the issue and to manage the change in staffing over the next 4 years.  To my mind, this is just "smoke and mirrors" purely delaying the change with the nett impact remaining the same - Watch this space!

We need your help!

We have applied for an ANZ netball grant that will help us to buy a whole school set of netball skirts, so that we can all be wearing the same skirts.

What we need you to do is sign up at the link below, and sign in and vote for us each day.

You can vote everyday, which will help us get closer to our goal.  Each family member can sign up and can vote once a day. 

Lets go Maungaraki!

To find out more, or to sign up, visit:

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Reading Superheroes

At yesterday's assembly, Mrs Evans gave out special awards to some 'Reading Superheroes'... Earlier in the year, Room 5 students all entered a competition with the National Library to describe who their reading superheroes were and why. They wrote and illustrated some amazing work and we were thrilled to have so many winning entries. These heroes all won a special certificate and book vouchers to spend. Congratulations to:

Ben Pilgrim - overall runner up in the junior division!
Flynn Counsell's dad
Miss Matich
Mrs Standish

It is so cool to have real life superheroes in our school... Way to go Room 5!

The full list of winners can be found at: http://schools.natlib.govt.nz/reading-superheroes-competition

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Minister Parata's pre budget, 'Class Size' announcement...

I have to say I am flabbergasted by the logic that says to achieve the Ministry's target of raising student achievement, we will need to raise class sizes in Years 2 and 3.  There is no research (and no logic) that implies this will result in an increase in student achievement.  A recent New Zealand Principal's Federation press release outlines some of our concerns (linked here).

So what will this announcement mean for the children of Maungaraki?

The Ministry's class size ratio is purely a funding formula to allocate staffing to schools.  The reality is, that schools then use this staffing allocation to determine the best configuration of class size to suit the needs of the school.  Real class sizes are determined by a whole range of factors including:

  • The Ministry's staffing ratio formula;
  • Classroom spaces available;
  • The number of children in any one year level;
  • The choice to run special programmes;
  • Our obligation as good employers to provide release time for those with leadership responsibilities.
At Maungaraki School we already have an enrolment scheme (zone) in place, with this zone being rigidly applied.  Some time ago, the Board of Trustees determined that we have no space for out of zone enrolments.  Despite this, the number of in zone enrolments is still increasing and our roll is therefore growing.  We are now close to the maximum capacity of the school.  The Minister's proposed change in staffing ratios could potentially delay our ability to apply for the 12th classroom that we will soon need.  

With only 11 classroom spaces, we are therefore restricted in what we can do to reduce class size, so we use additional staffing (when we have it!) to run special programmes such as:
  • Enviroschools
  • Art extension
  • Band
  • Choir
  • Kapahaka
  • Maungaraki Eye
  • Creative Writing Groups
  • Drama Groups
  • Special needs programmes ...     etc etc 
Our recent strategic consultation process told us that we as a school (and as a community), value these additional opportunities for children.  

While I am hoping that the increase in the class ratio at Year 2/3 will be balanced out by the decrease at Years 4 - 8, early calculations suggest that we are likely to loose a small proportion of our staffing in 2013... We will then need to make a decision as to how to best manage this adjustment.  I can only hope that the impact will be minimal, or that common sense prevails and that the Minister chooses to focus on what is best for children,  rather than what is best for the "Bottom Line."


You may also be interested in reading the OECD report on performance pay in education (based on international studies) that was released on the same day as Minister Parata's announcement... (linked here)

Cross Country

After a night of torrential downpours we decided to go ahead with Cross Country with a slightly modified course and organisation.  The children all took these minor changes in their stride (literally!) and showed determination and perseverance in completing the course to the best of their ability... We were all very proud!

Thanks to Miss Perkins for her organisation, all the teachers who helped out, and to the wonderful parents who came along to support our runners.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Netball grading

Spent a stunning day today supporting our netball teams at their second grading round...5 teams, 9 games and some amazing wins. I was impressed by all of the team's skill, focus and sportsmanship. I wish you all the very best of luck in the season ahead - and know that you'll make all of us at Maungaraki School very proud. We also have some amazing parents who have volunteered their time to coach, manage and umpire the teams. Without these volunteers we wouldn't be able to participate... THANK YOU for giving up your time so that our children can enjoy the challenges and sense of belonging that being part of a team brings. Arohanui, Kia Ora!