Wednesday 19 February 2014

Home School Connections

Maungaraki School is currently working as part of the Seaview Learning and Change Network.  This means that we are collaborating with 5 other full primary schools (all from the Lower Hutt area) to challenge and learn from each other.   Each school began their own inquiry into an area that presented an achievement challenge for them (for Maungaraki this was raising the achievement of boys in Writing).  As we talked about our individual school inquiries, 3 common themes became evident across the network.  These 3 themes have become the change priorities that form the basis of our Network action plan (and individual school action plans) for the coming year, they are:
  • To Improve connections between home and school and use these connections to support the priority students learning – both at home and school.
  • To Learn how to adapt our learning environment so that priority learners share our expectation that all students will achieve success, by increasing learner motivation and engagement and by personalizing authentic learning and increasing student agency
  • To Develop our use of ICT tools in ways that will engage, enable and enhance the above 2 goals.
Getting your ideas:
To help us with our work towards achieving these goals, we will be asking for your input on a range of related issues.  First and foremost, I'd love to know how we can help you to engage in your child/children's learning.  You may want to acknowledge things we already do that help in this area, or give suggestions for other things we can try.  

Double click anywhere in the padlet below to leave your thoughts and ideas (your choice to leave your name or to make your comment anonymous)

Thank you for your input - we really appreciate it!

Kath's Kids on the Breeze

Kath from the Breeze came and spent a morning with some of our junior children … they enjoyed the chance to talk with a radio presenter and LOVED hearing their voices on the radio each morning!  Here's a link to what our gorgeous treasures had to say…

I am still learning how to embed sound bites into my blog - if anyone knows a quick way to do this I would love to learn from you!

Monday 10 February 2014

Ways parents can help...

Miss Matich came across these posters on twitter - some very helpful hints for parents to think about how you can help with Reading, Spelling and Maths at home…